Wessex Mill White Spelt Flour (1.5kg)
From Wessex Mill, Mill Street, Wantage, Oxon

Beware Spelt has a low gluten content, great if you are intolerant to wheat gluten but not so good for bread machines. This means that if you use a rapid bake program it will probably collapse a little or come out with a concave top. If you want to bake a good one. Use a dough program, remove and gently mold , place in a tin, prove for 20 mins and then bake in the oven.
Excellent for hand baking
Ingredients: Wholegrain (Wholegrain Flour, Kibbled Wholewheat, Kibbled Wholerye, Pin Head Oats), Wheatflour, Sesame Seeds, Millet (L-Ascorbic Acid).