Landed by Vessel Peterhead, for Celtic Fish & Game
From the Bellus Family of Celtic Fish & Game, St. Ives, Cornwall
Great alternative to Cod. Serves 2-3.
Wild, Prepared & Oven-ready
Landed by Vessel Copius, for Celtic Fish & Game
Landed by Vessel Ella, for Celtic Fish & Game
Frozen, Wild
Scaled & Prepared.
Frozen, Wild, Prepared & Oven-ready
Landed by Vessel Lisa Jac, for Celtic Fish & Game
Landed by Vessel Brissons, for Celtic Fish & Game
From B&G Nurseries, Aldington, Worcs.
Salty, crunchy & wild - a seasonal treat that is versatile & delicious.
Comes scaled and prepared.
Landed by Vessel Northern Os, for Celtic Fish & Game
Flatfish, very similar to Dover Dole
Landed by Vessel Marksman, for Celtic Fish & Game
Scaled & gutted, perfect for grilling
Landed by Vessel Karen Marie, for Celtic Fish & Game
Landed by Vessel Swiftsure II, for Celtic Fish & Game
From Glen & Andrea Weston, Cley Smokehouse, Holk, Norfolk.
From Simmo's Fishmonges, Billingsgate, London.
Landed by Vessel Amelyst, for Celtic Fish & Game.
Scaled & Gutted