Sesame Oil (500ml)

Picture of Sesame Oil (500ml)

From Clearspring, Acton Park Estate, London.

This non-toasted sesame oil is a general-purpose oil that can be used for cooking and in salads.

Organic, Vegan, Dairy free



This non-toasted sesame oil is a general-purpose oil that can be used for cooking and in salads.



  • In salads: Add to salads as you would olive oil.
  • In stir-fries: You can use this sesame oil to cook, as it is an all-purpose oil. However, note that it has a low smoke point (180 degrees C), which is around the same as butter. This makes it good for sauteeing.
  • As a seasoning: This non-toasted sesame oil has a milder flavour than the toasted sesame oil, which is more commonly used in Chinese food.



100% oil of sesame seeds from organic agriculture.

Produce of more than one country.


Nutritional Information

Values per 100ml
Energy 828 calories
Fat 92g
of which saturates 14g
and monounsaturates 36g
of which oleic acid (omega-9) 35g
and polyunsaturates 37g
of which alpha-linoleic acid (omega-3) 1g
and linoleic acid (omega-6) 36g
Cholesterol none

OrganicWheat-freeDoes not naturally contain glutenVegetarian, VeganDairy-free.