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Fruit & Veg

Home / Boxes / Fruit & Veg(3 products)
Home / Boxes / Fruit & Veg(3 products)
  • Picture of Seasonal Fruit & Veg Box, Small

    A mix of UK only seasonal fruit & veg.

    Should feed 1-2 people their veggies for a week.

    Typical contents:
    1 xBrown Onions (250g)
    1 xCalabrese Broccoli (300g, £4.63/Kg)
    1 xClosed Cup Mushrooms (250g)
    1 xCos Lettuce (apx. 350g)
    1 xCourgettes, green (300g)
    1 xHerman Plums (250g)
    1 xKentish Apricots (Class 2) (300g)
    1 xSuffolk Carrots, washed (300g)
    1 xTrimmed Celery Head, Class 1.
    1 xWonky Cucumber (apx. 300g)
  • Picture of Seasonal Fruit & Veg Box, Medium

    A mix of UK only seasonal fruit & veg.

    Should feed 2-3 people their veggies for a week.

    Free Delivery

    Typical contents:
    1 xBeetroot, Loose (300g)
    1 xCalabrese Broccoli (300g, £4.63/Kg)
    1 xCourgettes, green (400g)
    1 xHerman Plums (300g)
    1 xKentish Apricots (Class 2) (300g)
    1 xMaris Bard New Potatoes (750g)
    1 xRed Butterhead Lettuce
    1 xSuffolk Carrots, washed (300g)
    1 xTrimmed Celery Head, Class 1.
    1 xWhite Cauliflower
    1 xWonky Cucumber (apx. 300g)
    1 xYellow Peppers (300g)
  • Picture of Seasonal Fruit & Veg Box, Large

    A mix of UK only seasonal fruit & veg.

    Should feed 2-4 people their veggies for a week.

    Free Delivery

    Typical contents:
    1 xCalabrese Broccoli (400g, £4.48/Kg)
    1 xClosed Cup Mushrooms (250g)
    1 xCos Lettuce (apx. 350g)
    1 xCourgettes, green (500g)
    1 xJuno Plums (250g)
    1 xKent Strawberries Class 2 (apx. 400g)
    1 xKentish Apricots (Class 2) (300g)
    1 xMaris Bard New Potatoes (1Kg)
    1 xRound Tomatoes (400g)
    1 xSuffolk Carrots, washed (400g)
    1 xTrimmed Celery Head, Class 1.
    1 xWhite Cauliflower
    1 xWonky Cucumber (apx. 300g)