Kim Kong Kimchi (330g)

Picture of Kim Kong Kimchi (330g)

From James Read of King Kong Kimchi, Haringay, London.

Vegan, Gluten free, Dairy free, Unpasteurised



Product description

Kim Kong Kimchi make monstrously good, lacto-fermented kimchi. Every jar is a spicy/sour unpasteurised party of lactic acid bacteria, and loaded with good stuff. It's raw, vegan, gluten-free and locally made, but most importantly it tastes amazing. It is based on baechu-style kimchi, made with hand-cut chinese leaf cabbage, carrots and spring onions. In order to keep the traditional flavour and rich, deep colour, Kim Kong Kimchi uses sweet, slightly smoky ‘gochugaru’ chilli flakes. While they omit fish products (as would often be found in kimchi) to keep their product vegan, Kim Kong found that aged ‘aka’ miso provides an excellent umami kick. As a living ferment, it’s kept unpasteurised (unlike imported kimchi), so needs to be kept in the fridge to stop it getting too fizzy.


Chinese leaf, spring onion, carrot, gochugaru (chilli flakes), aka miso [soybean, rice, salt, ethyl alcohol, koji, yeast], ginger, garlic, salt, sugar