Liberacion Guatemala Coffee, Ground

Picture of Liberacion Guatemala Coffee, Ground

From Union Hand-Roasted Coffee, London, E16

Available from Thursday 03 Apr
A great lazy afternoon or after-dinner coffee.
Produced by smallholder farmers of Esquipulas co-operative in Huehuetenango, Guatemala, in conditions about as perfect as you can get. A high altitude – over 1,500 meters – fertile soil, and glorious sunshine.

High quality coffee has wide ranging, naturally occuring taste notes.

The dominant flavour profile in this coffee is chocolate and caramel, brought out by the roasting process - caramelisation happens towards the end of the roast.

Generally the darker the roast, the more dominant the chocolate and caramel flavours are.

This coffee is a medium roast. Roast level influences the flavour and body of coffee. darker roasts are fuller bodied, lighter roasts brighter. a medium roasted coffee bean is medium brown in colour. it retains many of the flavour profiles of the natural bean but also gains some sweetness and body from a longer roast

Quality score  84.75
Coffee scoring over 80 on SPeciality Coffee Association scale is considered High Quality, Speciality Coffee.

This coffee is best brewed as an espresso (coffee shop type machine or a bean to cup). all our coffees can be brewed using any method, but this is our recommendation for a method which suits the coffee particularly well.

This coffee was processed using the washed method. Post-harvest processing influences the taste profile. washed coffees are brighter, naturally processed are sweeter and honey processed are somewhere in between.