Swiss Water Decaffienated Coffee, ground

Picture of Swiss Water Decaffienated Coffee, ground

From Suma Wholefoods Cooperative, Lacy Way,Elland, Yorkshire.



It's Swiss by name, global by nature. Our decaffeinated coffee originates from a range of co-operatives across Latin America and the Far East. The caffeine is removed using the Swiss Water method, which doesn't involve chemical processing.

The expertly blended flavours work together, drawing out the best qualities from these regions in one cup, minus the caffeine hit. Now that's what we call co-operation!
This product is accredited with Ethical Consumer---s Best Buy label. The label is awarded after Ethical Consumer has looked in detail at the environmental and ethical record of both the product and company supplying it.

Strength 4, Sweet, Deep Aroma

Part of the product range 'Roast and Ground Coffees'.



Arabica coffee beans. (grounded)