First Quinces, Final Strawberries & Raspberries!

23 September 2015

The week began with the Autumnal Equinox and it is perhaps appropriate that the start of Autumn should mean this week will be the last of the Tiptree Strawberries & Raspberries - so please dont miss out on them!


They are not a summer berry replacement in any way, but we have the first of the quince in this week, and they are probably the most fragrant / perfumed fruit that is grown in Britain.


Gorgeous turned into a crumble, or made into a preserve or paste (also known as quince cheese or membrillo), or poached either in the pan or in the oven (local resi Nigel Slater has some nice ideas).



Either way, they are a lesser known, but very special part of the seasonal food calendar...!


Picture of 1x Punnet of Tiptree Strawberries (350g)Picture of 1x Punnet of Tiptree Raspberries (150g)Picture of Quinces Bulk Buy (2kg)