Farmclub: Subscribe & Save

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Home / Farmclub: Subscribe & Save(No products to show)


We are excited to introduce Farmclub: join Farmclub by signing up for a weekly or fortnightly order, and you will receive 5% discount on each order you receive.

You can either join through the "regular order" section of your account, or on checking out your basket (the "repeat order" drop down, choosing how often you want your order).

Plus there will be regular promotions, exclusive to Farmclub customers.


Why are we introducing farmclub?

We are responding to the cost of living crisis, and the challenges this represents to us all.

We hope that this will be a 'win-win-win' solution for both you and us, and our producers.

We want our service to continue represent good value to you in these challenging times (your win) and for you to use our service regularly (our win). The cost of Farmclub will be borne by us at Farm Direct, and not by any of our producers or growers (the third win).

The 5% discount will be applied to every order you place.



How it works:


Your regular order will be created on Monday 8am


You can edit your order anytime upto the usual deadline :ie. 2am on the day of delivery


You can cancel your order upto 24 hours before the start of the delivery slot.


You do not need to order the same things each week - you can adjust your order each week, either before it has been created (ie before Monday 8am) or anything up to the usual deadlines for ordering.