Return of Lincolnshire Poacher's Double Barrel

28 January 2015
This week, we give a very warm welcome back to Lincolnshire Poacher's Double Barrel Cheese.

"Where did it go?" we hear you ask. Well, the short answer is that cheese production isnt an exact science, and varies considerably for Lincolnshire Poacher, principally because all their cheese is made using their own fresh unpasteurised milk, and this leads to both daily and seasonal variations in terms of both flavour and texture.

This is particularly apparent between the seasons: during the summer the cows are outside on a grass diet whereas in the winter they are loose housed and are eating grass silage cut from the farm together with mixed cereal based winter ration. In summer, especially early summer, they tend to get fruity, rich sweet flavours whereas in winter, as a rule, the flavour tends to be more savoury, sometimes almost meaty. As a result of these varying flavour profiles, it is necessary to age the cheese for different lengths of time in order that each cheese leaves the farm at its peak. Each day only one batch of cheese is made and each batch is tasted at about 14 months maturation ( by Simon & Tim Jones who own the Farm)  and from that tasting, a decision is made on how much longer the batch needs to be matured for.

The sharper, fresher tasting batches are sold as regular Lincolnshire Poacher (at around 14-16 months), whilst the more rounded tasting cheeses are kept for another 4 months or so, and sold as Vintage.

The cheeses that fall into neither of these categories, ie those with a stronger, earthier more farmyardy taste are matured for another 12 months (ie. to 2 years) and sold as the Double Barrel. And essentially for a few months upto a year ago, they just havent had that type of cheese at 14 months, that they felt appropriate to let mature for another 12 months - the exact reasons are never easy to identify.

But it is now back and so if you like a really full flavoured hard cheese, then the Double Barrel is the one for you!
