Rare Breed Oxford Sandy & Black Pork

08 March 2011
Our rare breed pig this week is the Oxford Sandy & Black.

The Oxford Sandy & Black Pig, sometimes referred to as the “Plum Pudding or Oxford Forest Pig” is one of the oldest British pig breeds,having existed for 200-300 years. The exact origin of the breed is lost in antiquity but the original Oxford Sandy & Black is believed to have developed some two centuries ago in Oxfordshire.

The breed is noted for its many qualities, particularly its excellent temperament and mothering abilities. Generally prolific, the Oxford will function well under most management systems, and produces meat of very high quality and flavour (the markings do not go through to the meat). It finishes quicker than many traditional breeds, and is also less inclined to run to fat.

The cuts available are... Rolled Loin (500g), Boned & Rolled Belly (1kg, 2kg), Loin Chops (600g), Chinese Spare Ribs (550g), Boned Shoulder (1kg)

Take a look at our rare breed section here.
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