Our midweek service takes a break.

11 March 2011

We are taking a break from our midweek service, hopefully for just a couple of months. We are doing this for two main reasons:

1, We are entering the annual “hungry gap” (ie the gap between winter and summer crops), which means that vegetables are becoming pretty scarce, and the range that we have on offer is narrow compared to other times of the year. Supply therefore becomes patchy and it can mean the level of our service suffers a bit.

2, The majority of our producers are geared up for an “end of week” service, with a working week that starts on the Tuesday. This means tha t supply of products for a Wednesday can some times be patchy, and if we do get it (meat or veggies) we are not always convinced that products are as spanking fresh as they are for the weekend.

The mid-week service should be back up and running when the veggies become more bountiful. In the meantime, don’t forget that we are still open for service Friday Saturday & Sunday each week.


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