Lincolnshire Poacher "50"

Picture of Lincolnshire Poacher "50"

From Simon & Tim Jones's dairy farm, Lincolnshire Wolds.


A cheese made in Spring 2020.


(apx.) 225g
Available from Thursday 03 Apr

A unique opportunity to try the ‘Poacher 50’: a cheese born of the pandemic.
Only made for the first three months of the pandemic (Apr-Jun 2020), this is a one off chance to try Poacher 50 – a cheese invented out of necessity, and made for a brighter future.
That future is now, and now is your chance to try this  ‘limited edition’ cheese: like a cross between Comte, Parmesan and Cheddar.
Poacher 50 was created when the COVID pandemic hit in April 2020: cheese and milk sales collapsed and Simon and Tim of Lincolnshire poacher couldn’t just ‘stop’ farming.  So they decided to create a stable/long lasting cheese would only be ready in several years; when the turmoil of the pandemic might be over.
It was their way of ‘capturing’ their milk for the future when things might have changed.