• Wild

Maldon Oysters

Cock Clarks, Chelmsford - 48 miles from the Farm Direct Depot

The Maldon Oyster Company was first established in 1960 and was originally run as a cooperative between several local fishermen, under the leadership of Clarrie Devall.  

During the hard winter of 1963, most oyster beds in Essex were devastated by ice and the company became dormant for a few years, until Mr Devall started growing new stocks of Pacific Oysters in Goldhanger Creek

In the early eighties, Mr Devall took on David Coward-Talbott as a partner and they successfully grew several million Pacific Oysters on the traditional beds in Goldhanger Creek and established some small quantities of native flat oysters in the main Blackwater River.

After Mr Devall’s death in 2002,  Mr Coward-Talbott formed the Maldon Oyster Company with Richard Emans the partnership was set up with the sole intention of revitalising oyster farming in the River Blackwater to its former glory, this work is now continuing following David’s retirement in 2008.

The Maldon Oyster Company now has a large area of the River Blackwater under their management and has re-established a native oyster fishery as well as being one of the largest producers of Pacific Oysters in the UK.
One of their primary aims is to utilise this Essex estuary to its best advantage without harming the delicate eco-system and its salt marshes.  For it is an area swathed in natural beauty, supports a wide variety of flora and fauna and plays an important role providing wintering grounds for many migratory birds.

 The area is now enshrined as a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and is also protected and registered under the European Union’s Shellfish Waters Directive (79/923), whereby it has the distinction of being one of only a very few shell fish growing waters in the UK.

Buy Maldon Oyster Shellfish:
  • Picture of Jersey Rock Oysters x 12

    From The Jersey Oyster Company, La Ferme, Grouville, JERSEY

  • Picture of Line-caught Smoked Haddock fillets
    (apx.) 400g
    Available from Friday 28 Mar

    From the Bellus Family of Celtic Fish & Game, St. Ives, Cornwall


  • Picture of Line-caught Smoked Haddock Portion
    (apx.) 330g
    Available from Friday 28 Mar

    From Pinneys of Orford, Woodbridge, Suffolk.

  • Picture of Live Whelks
    (apx.) 1Kg

    From Scottish Shellfish, Bellshill, Lanarkshire, Scotland

  • Picture of Maldon Rock Oysters

    From Richard Emans of The Maldon Oyster Company, Essex

  • Picture of Scottish Mussels
    (apx.) 1Kg

    From Scottish Shellfish, Bellshill, Lanarkshire, Scotland

  • Picture of Whole Smoked Mackerel
    (apx.) 350g

    From Richard Emans of The Maldon Oyster Company, Essex